Fire Suppression
The Centertown Fire Department is responsible for providing immediate response to incidents of fire within our coverage area, which we do utilizing two stations and four front-line apparatus. When an emergency call is reported, the Centertown Fire Department is dispatched through the Warren County E-911 system via radio paging, and the appropriate resources respond accordingly.
The Centertown Fire Department conforms to all applicable laws pertaining to training and standards for fire personnel, and adheres to nationally mandated incident command protocols. Only properly trained & equipped firefighters are allowed to engage in fire suppression, and do so under the direction of qualified supervision personnel. Upon arrival of the first resources on a particular scene, the most appropriate officer or his designee assumes command of the incident, and formulates a tactical strategy in order to properly contain the incident.
As Centertown firefighters are trained & equipped to perform interior structural fire attack, the incident commander will order this if at all possible and pragmatic in order to contain & extinguish fire, or search for and evacuate potential victims. The Centertown Fire Department performs its fire suppression operations with the utmost regard for the preservation of life, both of civilian and of fire department personnel. Fire suppression tactics are formulated with life safety & preservation being our utmost priority, followed by the safety & security of property. Interior fire attack is performed only by trained & experienced personnel with proper equipment, including full turnout gear and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).
Mutual Aid
In accordance with the standing countywide automatic mutual aid agreement, the Centertown Fire Department not only responds to all incidents within our primary response area, but is also automatically dispatched and responds to all structure fire incidents within predetermined portions of the jursidictions of the North Warren Fire Department, as well as Morrison/Fire Rescue. Likewise, these departments automatically respond into our district as second-due agencies on all incidents of structural fire. This gives the Centertown Fire Department a first & second-due response area of over 125 square miles. Additionally, the department responds to other mutual aid calls when requested by the commanding authority. The countywide automatic mutual aid program within Warren County is participated in by the Campaign/Rock Island Fire Department, Centertown Fire Department, Collins River Fire Department, Harrison Ferry Fire Department, Morrison Fire/Rescue, North Warren Fire Department, and Viola Fire Department.