Bike Team

Division Commander: Capt. C. Prater
Team Leader: Lt. J. Clark
Training Officer: FF J. Jacobs

Bike Team Members:

Lt. Joey Clark
FF/Paramedic Kenny Moffitt
FF Jared Jacobs
FF Grant Seaborn

Formed in 2013, the Centertown Fire Department Bike Team is supported totally by donations and sponsorships from various individuals, organizations, and businesses, with no burden being assigned to the Department's operating budget. Staffed by trained individuals who volunteer for the duty, the Bike Team is designed for situations like area patrols, special event coverage, and search & rescue.

Bike Team Members ride modified Schwinn dual-suspension mountain bikes, complete with fire department markings and visual & audial warning equipment. Members may also ride their personal bikes at the discretion of the team's command staff. Each deployment consists of at least two members on bikes, who carry various specialized medical & rescue equipment including a defibrillator, IV supplies, emergency drugs, assessment tools, and bandaging & immobilization supplies.

The highly mobile nature of bicycles makes them ideally suited to the mission of the Centertown Fire Department during deployments. Research shows that bicycles provide unparalleled speed of response during events & high crowd density situations for the purpose of rendering medical care and the escort of emergency vehicles. Bikes are also a great public education tool for children of the community, and provide a real asset during search & rescue activities like area searches for lost children. While primarily responsible for events & responses within our jurisdiction, the bike team can be utilized by other agencies through mutual aid requests.

Request the Bike Team!

To request the CFD Bike Team at your event, or for an educational visit, email We are available for most public/charitable events and to visit school kids. Please allow at least two weeks notice for best success. Public safety agencies can request a mutual aid Bike Team response by contacting Warren County Dispatch. 
Sponsor the Bike Team

The Bike Team depends on donations and support from generous individuals and businesses. To support the team and have your organization listed among our sponsors, send your request to jclark@centertown The team accepts monetary donations, as well as support in the form of goods & services.

Please visit our sponsors, without whom the Centertown Fire Department Bike Team would not be possible!

Custom Vinyl Signs & Shirts
(931) 668-3372

Hayes Fire Protection
(931) 815-3711

Depot Bottom Country Store
(931) 507-3366

Downtown Service Center
(931) 473-2923

Shoreline Aviation Services & Insurance
(800) 747-0825

Ivy Bluff Mud Bog
(615) 653-1914

Spencer Drug Co.
(931) 946-7900

King's Den Hair Design
(931) 473-4116

Cole Taylor's Lawn Care
(931) 607-0728


The Centertown Fire Department Bike Team is supported totally by our sponsorships & donations. To support the Bike Team and have your business listed among our sponsors, contact Lt. Clark or call us at (931) 939-2894.